If we hadn't started using SAP Business One in 2004, we wouldn't be here right now. The system ensures that we can deliver on our promises. We could only achieve that with a genuine partner like Vigor. We have grown together into what we are today.
Sofie Hermans
Commercial Manager Orakel Group
"Both SAP Business One and Vigor are important business partners. They are in our daily lives, we discuss every change with Vigor, and SAP Business One has become a cornerstone of our organization."
"With SAP Business One we can always go one step further. Implementation was worth the effort as we can see from the results that our business is growing again."
"SAP Business One is the backbone of our company, it has never let us down. Thanks to Vigor, the system fits us like a tailor-made suit."
"We are very satisfied with our choice for SAP Business One and we continue to add further optimisation with Vigor. When asked if we would choose the same combination, today our answer is a clear yes!"
"With SAP Business One, we offer some of our customers a solution that makes our bookkeeping work more efficient. And the scalability of the system allows it to grow with SMEs. It's ideal, because we no longer have to search for paper records in filing cabinets."
BTL Plastics
"SAP Business One does everything we wanted it to do and more. So there is still room for growth with all the possibilities we don't currently use. Vigor makes sure we get the most out of the software."
"Thanks to SAP Business One, our IT is now as solid as a rock. With the help of Vigor's professionals, we're applying the finishing touches to use it even more productively."
Carrelages Discount
"To me, Vigor and SAP are inseparable. The quality of the integrator is indispensable for fully using the platform's potential."
Comelit Belgium
"Thanks to Vigor's transparent and very thorough approach, our processes are perfectly documented in SAP Business One and our error rate is negligible."
Comelit Netherlands
"SAP Business One has given us the possibility to bring structure to a growing organisation. Vigor supports us optimally in this growth by being open to all the adjustments we would like to make to improve our business processes."
"The fully integrated ERP system contains thousands of customer and contact data and is an essential business tool. All important business information is linked. We now have an efficient business database based on real-time data without any overlaps or inconsistencies."
"To continue to be successful in a market in which companies can easily switch suppliers, SAP Business One was an essential step. We can serve our customers better, unburden our suppliers and increase our own profit margin. That's a win-win-win situation."
"SAP Business One is the ideal tool and Vigor the ideal partner to guide us towards growth. Our environment is scalable and easy to adapt to our changing needs and wishes. We are ready for the future. That provides peace of mind."
"Reliability is crucial to a listed company. We rely on accurate figures, a stable tool and reliable support. The combination of SAP and Vigor is therefore perfect for us!"
"LensOnline is actually a software company with a great marketing machine, specializing in lenses. The more we can automate and simplify, the better. Partly thanks to SAP Business One and the solid partnership with Vigor, we have become the market leader."
"The speed with which we process orders, the easy planning and reporting, the follow-up of documents and the ability to quickly request all information on an order are benefits of the package that should not be underestimated. Our current, efficient method of working would not be possible without SAP Business One."
"Thanks to Vigor, SAP Business One gives an up-to-date snapshot of my company's situation on a daily basis. The figures on our turnover, stock management and accounting are always accurate and up-to-date."
Mauquoy Token Company
"Vigor immediately knew what was needed. This resulted in SAP Business One: a logical and coherent ERP package on a human scale. All of our important processes and needs are organized. I say this from the bottom of my heart."
"SAP Business One is the rock-solid backbone of Nicolaï Fruit. Thanks to Vigor, we have a foundation on which our company can build strong growth over the coming decade."
"SAP Business One is a day-to-day partner that allows me to get an overview of the reality of my business at any given moment."
"Vigor knows exactly what we need. Thanks to SAP Business One, our sixteen employees enable us to think and work as a large company and reach customers all over the world."
"For me, SAP Business One means efficiency, overview and speed. Vigor continues to proactively contribute towards improvements that make those values even stronger."
RW Sanitair
"SAP has allowed me to make my business more sustainable. I now have a well structured company. While small, I've remained in the marketplace by being profitable. I owe this in part to SAP Business One."
SA International
"SAP Business One is instrumental to the everyday operations of SAi. SAP and Vigor represent an essential partner to the future success of our company."
"SAP Business One constitutes the foundations upon which our day-to-day activity is built."
Umicore Electrical Materials
"Vigor and SAP Business One moved us from a non-perpetual company to a perpetual one. Now we can make better operational decisions that enable us to grow."
Umicore Coating Services
"All this information at our fingertips has been a game changer. We couldn't have grown as much without this proper ERP system. SAP Business One and Vigor represent a future."